“Extreme Risk” – VOY 5X3

“Extreme Risk,” which tells the story of B’Elanna Torres’ struggle with depression and self-harm after the deaths of her old Maquis friends, is one of Star Trek’s most significant portrayals of mental illness. I’d argue it might also be Star Trek’s best. Unlike “Good Shepherd”“Statistical Probabilities” or pretty much any Barclay episode, “Extreme Risk” doesn’t play mental health issues for laughs. And unlike “Night,” which portrays Janeway’s depression through the eyes of others as an inconvenience to the ship, this episode puts B’Elanna at the centre and really asks the audience to step into her shoes.

That’s partly why I’ve been putting off this review, even though it’s been much-requested – because it hits close to home. 

B'Elanna prepares to jump out of the back of a shuttlecraft on the holodeck

While I’ve never self-harmed I have survived major depression and I still cope with anxiety. When I put “Extreme Risk” on this past weekend, B’Elanna’s behaviour resonated with my experience so deeply that it left me feeling rattled. 

Part of that is a testament to the outstanding performance by Roxann Dawson. Dawson nails every facial expression and vocalization, from her flat disinterest in building the Delta Flyer…

B'Elanna stands staring vacantly in the cargo bay

to her defensiveness at Janeway’s questioning…

B'Elanna in Sickbay looking ready for a fight

to her blank hopelessness after being released from Sickbay.

B'Elanna in bed, staring at the ceiling

The ways B’Elanna tries to hurt herself – orbital skydiving and fighting Cardassians on the holodeck with the safeties off – are science-fiction, but Dawson’s performance and the writing for B’Elanna’s scenes keep her experience grounded in contemporary reality.

Chakotay confronts B'Elanna in the holodeck

Chakotay: Are you trying to commit suicide?
Torres: No.
Chakotay: Then why?
Torres: Because. Because if I sprain my ankle, at least I feel something.
Chakotay: What do you mean?
Torres: I’m not trying to kill myself. I’m trying to see if I’m still alive

Yup, that’s legit.

And in true Star Trek role modeling, most of the characters are shown responding well. Paris allows B’Elanna space. Janeway does dress down B’Elanna but in a way that’s appropriate given B’Elanna’s lies, and clear it’s out of concern. Neelix listens to B’Elanna and doesn’t pull any of that dismissive crap that so many people with depression deal with, like: “Oh come on, all you need is a nice plate of banana pancakes to snap you out of it.” 

Chakotay physically pulls B'Elanna into her holodeck simulation, as she resists

But I was uncomfortable about Chakotay literally dragging B’Elanna into the holodeck, forcing her to come face-to-face with a program she had created, showing the death of their friends. Chakotay may be B’Elanna’s friend but he is also her superior officer, and very much not a qualified mental health professional. Literally no other treatment had been attempted beyond repairing her physical injuries, before Chakotay used physical force as an intervention. His approach could’ve easily backfired. Badly.

B'Elanna sets up a forcefield that saves the ship

Of course, it didn’t backfire because as good as this episode is, it was still part of a relatively episodic show, and the main problem had to get wrapped up by the end. Instead, we’re shown that Chakotay’s intervention pretty much snaps B’Elanna out of it. She immediately volunteers to join the Delta Flyer on its mission, saves the ship, and comes back ready to heal. 

Chakotay does tell her to “give it time,” but given the progress she’s made in less than a day, it might be hard for an audience member who hasn’t been there to really understand the time it can take, and the patience, empathy and love needed to support someone through that.

B'Elanna smiling at her plate of banana pancakes

While B’Elanna’s turnaround is unrealistically speedy, it is nice to see the episode end with B’Elanna making herself some banana pancakes, taking pleasure in a simple act of self-care.

Bechdel-Wallace Test: Pass. Janeway and B’Elanna discuss B’Elanna’s mental health.

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Thank you for this. I, too suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so this episode also touches my heart.

I understand your concerns about Chakotay physically dragging B’elanna to the holodeck and if it was any other person he was dragging I’d agree with you. Chakotay dragged her to the holodeck because he knew that was the only way to get through to her.

If you pay close attention to other episodes starring B’elanna you’d see what I mean. It’s the way the writers wrote her Character. Chakotay knew her the best out of everyone on the ship so it makes sense he’d be the person who’d try to get through to her. Chakotay knew exactly what buttons to push to get B’elanna to open up to him. I just wished that there was follow up in future episodes.

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